How to Make a Beautiful Landing Page That Converts | 5 Tips for Optimizing Your Website (2018)

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Well, if you don't do the following five tips, those visitors are going to be wasted, and you're not going to be able to convert them.

Hey everyone, I'm Neil Patel, and today, I'm going to share with you, how to make a landing page that converts over 40%.

I know what you're thinking, 40% conversion rate, on a landing page, that's insane.

Well, that's possible.

Sure if you're selling a product for $100, you're not going to get a 40% conversion rate.

But let's say you're just starting out and collecting leads like name and email address, you can get over 40%.

And even if you're selling products you can boost your conversion rates if you follow these exact tips.

Tip #1: Use tools like Instapage and Click Funnels.

The cool part about Click Funnels and Instapage and even Lead Pages is they break down the landing pages in their system that convert to the best.

And they're not making this up by saying oh this landing page converts better than this other one cause it looks cooler.

They're using data; they have so many customers, thousands and thousands if not hundreds of thousands, that they're basing it on their existing customer base and their current conversion rates.

So they know all their customers are using this one landing page that's converting better than all the other ones out there, that should tell you, hey you should start with this landing page first.

#2: Offer an amazing unique value proposition.

Not a weak one like put in your name and email and I'll send you a free pdf, or I'll send you weekly updates.

That value proposition is terrible.

It has to be amazing.

With a lot of my offers, I give free courses. I give free guides that I've spent $30,000 creating.

But I'm a crazy person.

You don't have to go above and beyond like me, but my stuff converts better than most people.


Because I go above and beyond.

With your value proposition, it needs to resonate with people; if you're not solving a problem that they're facing at a really deep level, they're not going to opt in or buy from you.

If you're just scratching the surface and you're not breaking down why they should opt in or why they should buy your product or service and why it solves this problem they've had forever, they're much less likely to buy from you.

So really focus on your copy.

Out of everything I've tested when it comes to landing pages, copy and value proposition, are the biggest factors that influence conversion rate.

#3: Keep it simple, silly.

One of my companies was called Kiss Metrics.


Because I found that in marketing, everyone tries to over complicate stuff.

There's no reason for it.

Why not keep things super simple?

For example, if you have 10 form fields, when you only need two, remove the extra stuff that you don't need.

You don't want fluffy long landing pages that go on and on because you're going to lose people.

#4: Show social proof.

There are so many different versions of social proof.

They could be testimonials; they could be case studies, it could be results that other people are experiencing, it could even be videos.

If you're unsure on the best type of social proof, for your landing page, leave a comment below on what you're thinking, and I'll respond back if I think that's good or if not so good or if you should be doing something else instead.

#5: Create a video.

Not everyone enjoys reading.

Some people love looking at pictures.

But a picture isn't going to cause tons more people to convert.

You need a video that explains everything they're going to get when they opt-in, or buy your product, or sign up for your service.

The video should be short and to the point.

Under three minutes, ideally under one minute.

It should answer any objections people have before they sign up or buy from you. And it should describe everything in a logical order.

Follow these tips; you're going to have an amazing landing page that's going to convert better.

If you're collecting emails, you should be over 40%.

If you're selling a product, depending on how targeted the traffic is, you could be at numbers like three, four, five, and sometimes upwards at 10% depending on the price point.

Make sure you subscribe to this channel, leave a comment, share, and tell all your friends and colleagues about this video. If you need help with landing page templates, online or digital marketing leave a question below and I'll answer!

About the Author

Leave a Reply 36 comments

Bhavya kher - February 6, 2018 Reply

Hi Neil sir,

Can you share the links of your own hand written articles.
Awaiting for your response

Teampo Life Mastery - February 6, 2018 Reply

Hey Neil, I’m still waiting for your reply on email 🤗

Kyler Sommer - February 6, 2018 Reply

Loud noises!!!

    The Tasha Neal Show - February 16, 2019 Reply

    @Trusted Offer What all brown people are related? Go crawl under a rock and be rude elsewhere.

    Dainius Stepulevicius - March 6, 2019 Reply

    Love youtube for video speed control for slow talkers. I wobder if thry have they invented something that moderates tone of voice?.. I mean seriously if he is so professional he should be aware that tone of voice and gesticulation send like 50 percent of message… You don’t go and shout at strangers and wave hands like crazy… Unless it’s a comic club!

    And to other guys here saying he is good. There is huge difference being good at something and being a good teacher! I

    The Tasha Neal Show - March 6, 2019 Reply

    @Dainius Stepulevicius that’s pretty cool. Technology is CRAZY now….so many new things you can do……hard to keep up. I didn’t know about speed control WOW. I think everyone has a different way of delivering messages….it bugs some people, but it is cool to others. What is the name of the software for tone of voice. I would share that with some people who are really shy and talk too softly.

    Dainius Stepulevicius - March 6, 2019 Reply

    I am sorry for not being clear. At the end of that statement I have put … As rhetorical instead of question mark. Fixed it now.
    It’s quite easy for video uploader to rework sound and I am not sure if such app exist for browser unless you have some sort of PA system at home pc

Jitendra Kumar - February 6, 2018 Reply

Hi Neil I really like your videos. Great knowledge shared by you.
Neil please give some tips, how to grow and target audience on Linkedln.

Tim Beanland - February 7, 2018 Reply

Always gives amazing advice, thanks for this man, good point with video lower conversion rate but higher quality is always the best way

sneha Joshi - February 8, 2018 Reply

Can we get some practical stuff from you. It really helps if you do so. Waiting for it.

Bedros Pictures - February 14, 2018 Reply

Neil, really like your content but why do you scream all the time? Its so painful to listen

    David Paul - December 13, 2018 Reply

    @Austin H Austin I understand your point, but your missing mine. Neil is not some amature wanna be online marketer. He has MILLIONS of views and MILLIONS of visits to his sites. This is evidence he is doing something that works, right? The people smashing his video, audio, etc have how many views? My point is people should focus on making content themselves, before wasting time smashing a professional who’s videos like this one get thousands or even millions of views, right?

    S. E. Productions - December 18, 2018 Reply

    David Paul You are on every single post that gives this guy constructive criticism. I agree with most of the people that’s saying that his eq is too overbearing. The thing is, I want to learn but I can barely concentrate on the subject matter because he is too loud. It seriously triggers my anxiety. I can tell he’s pretty knowledgeable, I will not discredit the guy. Truthfully, I wanted to find out what a landing page was and guess what? His video was the first on the list. He apparently is paying YouTube to promote, thus giving him a high view count. If someone gave me constructive criticism, I’m going to listen to it… especially if it’s coming from multiple people. I’m not saying I will change anything up and I’m not saying I wouldn’t, but to run a business, you have to find that middle ground. Trust me, I will go to another tutorial but I wanted to just speak my peace. I am not bashing him at all… want to make that 100% clear, but apparently a lot of people are wanting to learn from him but they are having trouble doing so. I had to cut the volume down in order to write this comment to you, that’s how bad it was.

Michelle Wilbur - February 18, 2018 Reply

I have an ecommerce DS product. I’m not selling classes or consulting so is the best offer to give a gift certificate type of thing? I don’t know if that’s enough to draw people in. Free Shipping? GC? I have a landing page done through Landing Pages I’m just not sure if this enough. Thoughts? Thanks Neil!

    Neil Patel - February 19, 2018 Reply

    A gift certificate is actually a great idea. You could also go with free shipping, though I think a certificate is more appealing. Good luck!

Gaming Gajju - February 22, 2018 Reply

Great Video My Coach Neil

Glean Green - March 13, 2018 Reply

Thanks a lot , Neil ,I learned more things from you and I will going to start dropshipping business

    Neil Patel - March 25, 2018 Reply

    That’s great to hear!

    Glean Green - March 25, 2018 Reply

    Neil Patel it’s my pleasure

Entrepreneurial Recovery - April 1, 2018 Reply

Thank you so much for this, Neil! I’m in the process of creating my first landing page!

Uchu Life - April 10, 2018 Reply

1:44 = “that value proposition sucks!” (nice)

    Neil Patel - April 11, 2018 Reply


Renan Sassi - May 27, 2018 Reply

Hey Neil Patel. I’m using your techniques and guess what… I’m get a 26% of conversion rate!

Thank you !!!!

    Kohl Peacecraft - November 10, 2018 Reply

    Congratulations mam

    Kohl Peacecraft - November 10, 2018 Reply


    Amari Heywood-Gonzalez - January 5, 2019 Reply

    Yes that is awesome, you might need your own video as well!

    John Moss - April 7, 2019 Reply

    I am so happy with AdMaster”s right now, they grew my company from nothing into something within a short while. I make close to $7k a week now from my website simply because they got me to the top in my niche market. Love these guys both for their social media marketing and their SEO service. *Advertmasters@creditmasterfix. com*

Atelier B32 - June 14, 2018 Reply

the louder you speak…the more likely it`s true (Just kidding; great voice !)

    Neil Patel - June 15, 2018 Reply


Tomas Sire - September 20, 2018 Reply

Hey Man, love your value – your awesome!!

I need some advice. We are about to create a landing page for our LMS company – we want leads, emails, names, numbers – any advice?

Martin Ziggy - October 4, 2018 Reply

Such a great video. I watch this at 1,5 speed to get that extra “nuttiness” and shaky hands!!

Jamal Farooq - October 28, 2018 Reply

Thank you for spending your time and helping small business owners like my self. Videos like yours help our success.

    Neil Patel - October 29, 2018 Reply

    You’re very welcome, Jamal!

Yoga con Marina Buedo - November 20, 2018 Reply

Thank you so much for this video, it really helped me!!! 🤗🤗🤗

Toon & Leigh porpeang farm Thailand - January 28, 2019 Reply

Officially in my top 3, along with income school & Brian G. All genuine guys or I’ll eat my flip-flops.

    Neil Patel - January 28, 2019 Reply


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