Facebook Marketing Strategy: How to Build a Six Figure Business in Under 90 Days With Facebook Ads

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In this detailed video, I share with you a lucrative Facebook marketing strategy to help you make six figures or more online. Subscribe here to learn more of my secret facebook marketing tips:
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Everyone says it's hard to make money, and that you need money to make money.

That's a bunch of BS.

Today, I'm going to share with you how I built a six-figure business in 90 days using Facebook ads and how you can too.

Sign up for Facebook Ads then sign up for Webinar Jam.

Webinar jam is a webinar software that allows you educate and sell people online.

You see all these ads on YouTube and Facebook for people saying, 'register for my webinar.'

Why do you think they're doing them?

It's because it's an easy way to make money, and I hate to say it most of the people who are doing this, suck at everything other than selling on the webinar.

They don't have that many skills.

Why don't I do it anymore?

I don't care for the money, but I'll share with you how you can do it step by step, so the first thing, as I mentioned, sign up for Webinar Jam. Webinar Jam is a software that allows you to do a webinar and sell on there.

They also have this other software called EverWebinar, which you'll also need, and it allows you to do a webinar once, but make it recorded so that way your webinar continuously seems like you're holding a new one every 15 minutes.

So, people can sign up and then join your webinar.

Now that you've got your webinar up and running and going create a webinar.

The webinar can be on anything, how to create an Amazon business, how to do something that you're good at. Something that other people want to learn. So with your webinar, the first part is educating.

The first 30 to 40 minutes of your webinar presentation should be educating. Showing tips, techniques, strategies that they haven't seen before. And then after you did that you're like, 'Hey, did you like these techniques?'

Did you think they were amazing?

There are amazing techniques, but I have ones that are way better. Would you like to hear those?

Do I have your permission? And the reason you are asking their permission, is because you're asking them, hey, can I sell you something in other words, right?

Then, on the webinar, sell it to them for a price. The price could be a thousand bucks.

Usually, you want to have somewhere between $500 and a thousand five hundred. But the price that you choose has to be discounted.

So, if you're selling it for $500, the original price needs to be $2000, $3000, or whatever it may be.

With Webinar Jam, you can also put a countdown clock.

Right in their settings, they break down that you can put a timer. When you put a timer, it tells people that this offers only valid until the end of this webinar or the next week, or whatever you decide that you want to end up using.

And when you do that, people know time sensitive.

And when it's time sensitive, they're much more likely to buy instead of thinking if they want to buy. Now that you've got the webinar up and running, you want to drive traffic.

Through Webinar Jam, you can just throw up a landing page, get people to opt-in.

You want to keep it simple. Maybe have an image of you.

Tell people what they are going to expect on the webinar, and then an opt-in.

And then when there's opt-in, you can use Twilio, people will get a text reminder, and they'll start joining. And then as they join and they show up to the webinar, you'll start getting sales.

And when you are having your webinar timing so when they can sign up and listen to it, make sure you have a webinar that starts every 15 minutes. Remember, it's recorded, you don't have to be in the webinar every 15 minutes.

Instead, other people can just join whenever they want, that means that when you're sleeping, you could be making money.

How to Make Money With Facebook Ads – The Numbers

And you give you a rough idea; I was selling a thousand dollar product. For every hundred webinar registrations, I would get 3.6 sales, and roughly 20% would refund.

I would still make well over $2000, and for those hundred webinar registrations in general, I would be paying six bucks per webinar registration. So, that means I'm spending $600 to make more than $2000, right, I don't know what the exact math works out to, but I think it's around like $2500, or $2800, after refunds or even three grand, whatever it may be.

But the point I'm trying to say is, the math works out well. Facebook advertising can be extremely lucrative if you have the right Facebook marketing strategy.

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Leave a Reply 39 comments

Black Lion Cold Brew - December 7, 2017 Reply

Thanks so much! You saved my company! So much value in 8 min! Rewatching again!

But how can we re-target with the pixel? At the landing page?

    Neil Patel - December 7, 2017 Reply

    Yes, the Pixel goes on your website

Oscar E. Ortiz - December 7, 2017 Reply

Thank you for sharing valuable secrets Neil!

    Neil Patel - December 7, 2017 Reply

    You’re very welcome!

Manav Singh - December 7, 2017 Reply

Love this video man! Every video on your channel is worth watching,but this one is the best I ever saw on internet. Thank you!
Will you share your recording from affiliate summit, bangkok?

    Neil Patel - December 7, 2017 Reply

    Wow, thanks! I don’t know if I’ll ever share clips from Bangkok or not.

    Isam Subhiيءء - February 27, 2019 Reply


    fixcard tech - April 8, 2019 Reply

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Taran Arora - December 8, 2017 Reply

Love it! Thanks for Sharing this Awesome info. Your all videos are Worth watching. But this one is 🔥🔥🔥. Will be waiting for your next videos.

    Neil Patel - December 8, 2017 Reply

    Thanks for your kind feedback!

Jithendar Dharmapuri - December 8, 2017 Reply

Sir, your videos are simply awesome.. and like your videos its short and informative. Can you please review my blog techlurn.com and give me suggestions!!

    Neil Patel - December 8, 2017 Reply

    Thank you! Do you have a specific question that you’re concerned about?

Yang Xu - December 8, 2017 Reply

Hey Neil I don’t usually comment on videos but this is very well done. Thanks heaps

    Neil Patel - December 8, 2017 Reply

    Thanks, that’s very kind of you

Francisco Gonzalez - December 27, 2017 Reply

Great video neil. I love everything you teach.

I only have this question: Do this technique works to start the business from zero?

    Neil Patel - December 28, 2017 Reply

    Thank you! And yes, you can use these tips when you have zero followers and a brand new business. In fact, it might be beneficial because you can learn from others’ mistakes and avoid falling into the same traps. Good luck!

    Francisco Gonzalez - December 28, 2017 Reply

    Neil Patel great Neil! Keep doing it, you’re amazing 🙂

Entrepreneurship Decoded - January 16, 2018 Reply

Good stuff – can’t wait for the next one! –Evan

    Neil Patel - January 18, 2018 Reply

    Thanks, I’m glad to hear it Evan!

Jalen Crisp - February 1, 2018 Reply

Crazy good tips right here man, best believe I’m going to put this into effect!!

Jeffrey Percer - February 10, 2018 Reply

Million dollar marketing advice, don’t over look just because Neil gives freely. Good Karma my friend.

Patricia Lynn - February 18, 2018 Reply

Great resources on building your business grow

    Neil Patel - February 19, 2018 Reply

    Thanks, glad you liked it!

kevinl lee - March 8, 2018 Reply

Neil I came up with a success formula that if you put it together it would give businesses. Like a framework. How would you present that to them?

    Neil Patel - March 25, 2018 Reply

    It really depends on your audience.

Marcilene Souza - March 11, 2018 Reply

thanks Neil, ALWAYS SHOW

    Neil Patel - March 12, 2018 Reply

    Exactly! Thanks Marcilene!

Temy Nator - March 17, 2018 Reply

How exactly can I make a webinar??
What can I offer??
Need advise!

    Neil Patel - March 19, 2018 Reply

    Your offer should be something related to your product or service. It could be a free trial of your app, for example, or a free sample of your product. Just make sure it’s valuable and desired 🙂

LawnCrack - March 29, 2018 Reply

You’re the man Neil!

    Neil Patel - March 30, 2018 Reply

    Thank you my friend!

Northstar America - May 13, 2018 Reply

Damn! That was pretty awesome and really simple!


    Neil Patel - May 14, 2018 Reply

    You’re very welcome!

Hot Clasher -COC - August 7, 2018 Reply

I feel Proud

You’re Indian!!!

Indian Like – Neil patel , Sunder pichai , Ratan tata, ETC

Love you from India

    Neil Patel - August 7, 2018 Reply


لغتنا العربية - September 1, 2018 Reply

You can yell at me forever, every decibel is more cheddar for me!

    Neil Patel - September 1, 2018 Reply


Carlos Campos - February 26, 2019 Reply

A# Justice HereAfter with me & Blades Cut Peace’s uuu Family’s all +
Not Mercy +
Not Heavens +
Not Paradise all +
Not Golden City +
Talking Walking DAED Distances all +
Getting Lepra , Bones of DAED INVISIBLES +

My Angels of Died on Ur’s Body’s +


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