Your podcast needs a place to live! Today is all about finding the right web and media hosting. *** Take my Power-Up Podcasting course: .
In this video, we’ll cover everything you need to know about web hosting and media hosting for your podcast. I’ll help you understand why it's important to host your .mp3s for your podcast on a server other than your website's server.
You have some choices when it comes to a media host for your mp3 files, and I’ll cover the pros and cons of a couple of the main ones: Libsyn and Amazon S3. Then we’ll go over how to upload your episodes to your media host.
At the end you’ll have a clear picture of how your website, web host, and media host all connect to produce your podcast feed—the thing that lets people access your awesome podcast via apps like iTunes, Stitcher, and others.
This’ll put you in great shape to set up your feed and submit it so your podcast can go live!
This is the fourth in a series of 6 podcasting tutorial videos to help you get your podcast up and running, so make sure to watch the first 3 videos if you haven't already!
Note: The Zune podcast service was discontinued as of November 2015.
Resources Mentioned in this Video:
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Building an email list? Watch my latest video: "How to Get More Email Subscribers (17 Lead Magnet Ideas)":